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School Board Members

November 06, 2017


Southern School Board Members


Dave Zimmerman—President


Jared McKeever


Dana Dorn-Vice President


Betsy Frerichs


Debra Schlake-Secretary


Jeff Argo


LB 304 requires all political subdivisions, including school districts and ESUs, to publicly disclose the following on its website: (a) Membership dues paid annually to any association or organization, identifying each association or organization and the dues amounts paid; and (b) Fees paid to any individual lobbyist or lobbying firm other than any fees paid for lobbying services that may be included in the membership dues.

Membership Dues Paid Annually by Southern School Board:

1) Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) = $4,330

2) Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA) = $850

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