Josh Schmidt
Dec 19, 2016
Alumni Questions Sam Hookstra Josh Schmidt Safety & Compliance Manager Third Party CDL Tester Environmental Maintenance Services, Inc. 1. When did you graduate from Southern High Schools? 2002 2. What was your favorite part about high school? Fewer responsibilities and bills. Enjoy it while it lasts! 3. What education have you received . . .

Tucker Epp
Tucker Epp Graduated in 2011. He attended Southern Public Schools for 13 years, his favorite class was PE and Weightlifting. His best memory here at Southern was him making the game game-winning interception in the end zone against Thayer Central for the win. While he was here he played football, basketball, track, and baseball. Tucker’s favorite teacher, while he was here, was Mr. Ideas. His most successful thing he did in highschool was graduate. When Tucker grew up, he wanted to be a PE teacher and a coach. One thing that he . . .

Jill Mallam
Dec 15, 2016
What is your favorite memory from high school? All of it. There’s nothing better than spending thirteen years knowing the names of everyone in your class and being close with 30+ other people. What advice would you give high school students today? ENJOY IT! You have the rest of your life to wish time away. I wish I could go back to high school everyday. What are you doing today? Student Teaching at Norris Elementary in First Grade How did Southern . . .

Nicole Zvolanek
Dec 15, 2016
What is your favorite memory from high school? The Yellowstone trip I took with my class. What advice would you give high school students today? To enjoy high school while it last and to start saving money for college now. What are you doing today? I am attending the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and majoring in elementary education and special education. How did Southern High School prepare you for life? At Southern I was always held accountable for my . . .

Regan Barr
Dec 15, 2016
Regan Barr graduated from Southern High in 2002. While in high school, he played wrestling, football, and golf. He was involved with the Future Business Leaders of America for a short time and played trombone until his mother allowed him to quit. Regan’s favorite class would have been either Civics or Geometry. His favorite staff members were Mrs. Bachman who taught English or the lunch ladies who made exceptional monster cookies! Regan’s favorite thing about high school was the opportunities he had to be a . . .