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JAG learns about an electrical career

Recently, Steve Behrends from Diller Electric spoke with JAG students who were interested in learning more about being an electrician or the education or experience that it would take to be an apprentice or journeyman. Students learned that they do not need to pursue a bachelor's degree to be successful in their career. Steve also shared his personal expectations for his employees to be prompt and 'present' when they are reporting for work and being paid by another for their time. 

Mr. Tunink - Senior High Quiz Bowl

Senior High Quiz Bowl has been working hard this 3rd quarter to prepare for several events. Our team has recently competed in 2 events within the last few weeks. B103.1 out of Nebraska City hosts a radio quiz bowl event that starts in February. Southern had 4 students (Olive Sabey-Vogele, Emma Spencer, Carsen Goes, and Lily Dyer)who competed against 19 other local teams. Unfortunately, Southern did not have the best of luck with questions and was eliminated from the tournament and ended in a tie for 12th place. Southern also . . .

7th Grade Physical Education

Tchoukball is a non-contact sport originating in Switzerland. Tchoukball is a sport that incorporates parts of other games including handball and basketball. Strategy and decision making is vital for success, it also helps with hand-eye coordination.    

Accuplacer Testing

The Accuplacer Placement Test for community colleges was given again at Southern High for interested students. The test contains Reading and Math portions and is not timed. High School Students are allowed to retake the test…there is no cost to students while in high school.  

Busy Spring

Just when you think things will start slowing down because the winter sports seasons are over, you look at the calendar and realize that slowing down is not an option. The months of February, March, and April are filled with many activities. Spring sports have started practicing with JH starting in the next couple of weeks. Both the junior high quiz bowl and high school quiz bowl teams have been meeting and preparing for competitions that are taking place and will continue over the next several weeks. Senior and Junior High vocal and . . .

Southern Juniors Prepare for ACT

The junior class is actively preparing for the upcoming ACT testing event, which will take place on March 25, 2025. Today, they are working in their English class on the final editing of their persuasive writing essay, which is practice for the actual writing test. One of the five test sections of the ACT is Writing, and they will be required to write a persuasive essay in 40 minutes. Practicing their writing skills and building confidence helps them gear up for the actual test!    

World War II Holocaust Victims

Students reviewed Holocaust identity cards and their stories. They were then directed to a page where they found out if their Holocaust individual survived or died.    

Among The Betrayed

Seventh grade reading class is reading the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix. They are starting the third book in the series next week. They have finished two novels in the third quarter!    

Community Resources

Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. Thernes' Job Skills and Community Awareness classes have been learning about resources and businesses available in the community for students after they graduate high school, such as the barber shops, banks, food pantries, and more. They have taken several small field trips to experience these different resources before they graduate. 

Dual Credit Math

Third quarter is the time that PreCalculus and Calculus students have the opportunity to enroll in dual credit math courses through Peru State College. These classes are a lot of hard work for students, but can start them on the path to college graduation while still in high school. These courses are available at a reduced cost and will transfer to other colleges/universities as long as students receive a 70% or higher. PreCalculus can earn three credit hours for College Algebra, and Calculus students can earn five credit hours. I have . . .

FFA Activities

Southern FFA had a busy February with contests rescheduled due to weather, and then being all in one week. Students competed in poultry judging, ag sales, floriculture, livestock management, and meats. The team placed 4th in meats, qualifying for state in April for the 3rd year in a row. Good job students.    

High School Boys Wrestling

The Southern boys wrestling team ended the season with a great finish. The boys peaked at the right time, ending the season with 4 state qualifiers, a 4th place finish at the district tournament, and a 6th place finish at the state tournament, the first top 10 finish since 1982. All four state qualifiers earned a win at the state tournament with Wyatt Forney finishing as a runner up and Drake Troxel becoming Southern's 10th state champion and first champion in 44 years.  

JH Quiz Bowl 2025

JH Quiz Bowl students have done an excellent job preparing and competing in their events this year! On February 13th they competed at Cliffton-Clyde Middle School in Kansas and the A team (Landen, Addy, Greyson, Ethan, and Levi) won 1st place. Then, on February 25th they competed at Clay Center Middle School and both teams took home 1st place in their leagues tonight! Great job, Raiders! We are so proud of you! 

Preparing for Success

Preparing for success starts with confidence! Southern students had the opportunity to visit Maxon’s Barber Shop to learn the importance of proper hair care for the workplace. A fresh cut and professional grooming can make all the difference in making a great first impression. HUGE THANKS to Maxon’s Barbershop for sharing their expertise and helping our students get workplace-ready! 

CS4NE Interview

The state of Nebraska recently implemented the Computer Science & Technology Act. This act requires that students must complete five hours of computer science and technology education before graduation. CS4NE reached out to Mrs. Schluter to interview her about her thoughts and preparations for this brand-new course that many business teachers across the state are finding themselves nervous about teaching for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Pl2lfYlM4

Esports Updates

The Fall Season concluded, which saw Smash and Chess go farther in the postseason compared to the prior season. The winter season kicks off after Christmas break.  

Strategy and Logic

In Mr. Tunink's classroom, you usually encounter something science-related unless you are a 7th or 8th grader this year. These select students are fortunate enough to get to learn strategy games with me. From these games, students are allowed to learn the rules, strategies to succeed, and expectations for how to play them appropriately. Mr. Tunink gives lessons and assignments that present real-world problems that can be solved with the skills from our games. Fair play, kindness, thinking ahead, cooperation, teamwork, and politeness . . .

FFA Growing Together

Southern Ag. class and FFA have been busy this quarter completing community service, Leadership Development Events, and Livestock Judging. Students have been learning and competing to show their skill and knowledge of what they have learned. All have stepped out of their comfort zones and took on new challenges to help them grow.  

Hispanic Food Day

Spanish students were asked to research an authentic or traditional Hispanic food or drink and then submit the recipe they found. They were then tasked with either making the food and/or drink to bring and share with the class or writing a paper about the food/drink and its cultural significance. Most students chose to make the food/drink they researched and bring it to class, and we enjoyed a day of learning about and trying Hispanic foods and drinks in class. This is such a fun project for students to experience a little bit of . . .

JAG PBL (Problem Based Learning)

JAG students work together to solve puzzles. This simple tasks helps improve many work ethics, like team work, communication, following directions problem solving, and critical thinking.    

Junior Fundraising Efforts

During second quarter the junior class completed their two fundraisers; wreath sales and The Waffle Man. They sold 76 wreaths this year and had 197 people enjoy waffles. These fundraisers not only help pay for prom but also follow them through their senior year. We would like to thank everyone who helped support their fundraising efforts; with a special thanks to parents who helped sell wreaths and donated their time to make The Waffle Man a success.  


Students in Psychology are finishing up their Psych disorders project where they get to choose a disorder and research it.    

Snack Sculptures

The 8th grade students are learning about size, proportion, and style of things from their pop culture. They are utilizing their attention to these details by creating large snack sculptures inspired by Andy Warhol.    

CPR Training

The Southern JH and Freshman were taught CPR by Mrs. Allington during Physical Education class. Having students that have been trained in life-saving care is important in case of an emergency. If CPR is needed, statistics show the majority of the time it is a person you know.  

FBLA attends JA Spark Event at UNL

FBLA members attended the JA Spark entrepreneurship workshop held at UNL’s College of Business. Students listened to local entrepreneurs present on how to write a business plan, developed their own plan, and then pitched their plan/product to a panel of judges.  

Job Skills Class

Job Skills Class has been working hard this semester creating items from recycled feed bags! They have been practicing following multi-step directions, assembling items, sewing, cleaning, and fine motor skills through this activity. Students are hoping to sell these reusable bags to help raise money for an end-of-the-year field trip of their choice!  

Learning the Tech

Students have been actively exploring new technology, whether it’s creating projects with the GlowForge, mastering Premiere Pro, flying drones, or designing with Canva. They’re staying engaged and productive!  

Pioneer Conference Choir Clinic

High School Choir Students attended the Pioneer Conference Choir Clinic in Sterling on November 12th. This was the first time all Pioneer Conference schools came together at one location for this clinic! The students had a long day of rehearsals, followed by an amazing performance. Southern's own Brooklyn Mitchell auditioned and was chosen to perform a solo at the evening performance!    

SCC Dual Credit Opportunities

Southern High School students met with Southeast Community College dual credit staff members to learn more about dual credit opportunities for Junior and Senior students to get a jump start on their post-secondary degree and explore career opportunities while still in high school.    

2024 Student Council Homecoming

The Student Council had a memorable week of preparations for 2024 Homecoming Hollywood Boulevard. Our Homecoming King Cooper Warford and Queen Olive Sabey-Vogele were crowned and over 100 students joined us for a great red carpet dance. Thank you to everyone who was involved in helping the Student Council put on a successful evening to wrap up a great Spirit Week.    

Fall eSports

Fall eSports season has started once again! Students this season have competed in both online chess as well as Super Smash Bros. Students have seen success so far this season against students from schools across Nebraska.  

Hammer the Grammar

Freshmen and Sophomores have been working to prepare for the Pre-ACT with the Baylor Test preparation. Sophomores felt the strategies and tips helped them in taking the Pre-ACT. The program is provided for Southern students and can boost their scores for the standardized test.  

JR High PE

The 7th & 8th grade PE classes have been improving their volleyball skills by playing "King/Queen of the Court"    

Junior High Football

The junior high football team finished the season with a 3-2 record. The boys showed a lot of improvement throughout the season and finished the season on a 2-game win streak.    

Richardson County Fair

The High School and Junior High bands combined to march in the Richardson County Fair on Thursday, September 12th. The band, dressed in our school band uniforms, put on our best performance of "Smoke on the Water" for the fairgoers. The students had fun riding the carnival rides and partaking in the other fair events before returning home.    


High School Choir has been busy preparing for our upcoming performances! Both Jr. and Sr. High Choirs will be performing their first concert on October 21st, followed by the Veterans' Day Program on November 11th, and the Sr. High Choir will travel to Sterling on November 12th, where they will prepare for a concert that evening with other schools from the Pioneer Conference.  


FBLA officers and select members attended the state Fall Leadership Conference held at Midland University in Fremont. While there, they listened to the keynote speak on honing in on their own leadership potential. Then, they attended workshops for their respective officer positions. After that, they were able to attend several breakout sessions to learn about how to get more involved in FBLA as well as about current business and career topics of interest.    

Planning Has Begun

Planning for prom has begun! Juniors are making the basic decisions about theme, DJ, and meal. They will then be working on all of the in death decisions to make prom a night students will enjoy, try to top next year, and remember. Juniors will be fundraising the first semester to earn money for prom. In October they ran concessions at the homecoming football game, they will be selling holiday wreaths towards the end of the month, and December 13th they will have The Waffle Man at the Tri County home basketball game. We hope that the . . .

Puerto Rico 2026

outhern will be hosting a trip to Puerto Rico in June of 2026. The recruitment meeting will be October 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm at the High School in Room 209. Any staff and current 6-11th grade students are welcome to join us! On this trip, students will be experiencing a variety of fun activities: - Walking tour of San Juan - Tour of El Yunque Rainforest - Visit to El Morro - Puerto Rican dance lesson - Cooking Class - Cabo Rojo salt flats and wildlife refuge - Bioluminescent bay boat tour - Snorkeling excursion . . .

Southern Jr. High VB

The Jr. High VB team took 2nd place the their home tournament, Oct. 5. They had a hard battle, missing two of the regular starters, but survived a close match with Wilber-Clatonia to put the Raiders in the Championship game. They took Tri-Couty to a 3rd set, but fell short in the end. The players worked hard and played as a team.    

Tecumseh Prison Tour

Mrs. Baumgartner's Sociology and Psychology classes toured the Tecumseh Prison. They were able to Tour the Prison grounds and learn about jobs within the prison. During their tour they spoke with an inmate for an hour and were able to ask questions.    

Big Give Artists

Art 3 & 4 students were allowed to paint the BigGive signs posted around our community. The Cohorsts provided the wooden planks for the students to get full creative liberty to spread the BigGive message throughout our community: Give Where You Live!    

Career Days

SCC’s Career Days provide students with hands-on experience and an opportunity to get a firsthand look at career opportunities in each industry. Careers in Construction Day was held at the Milford campus; Careers in Ag Day was held at the Beatrice campus.    

Job Skills Class

Students in Job Skills are expanding their Southern Swigs and Sweets business and creating merchandise. Thank you to the patrons for contributing the feed bags.    

Moving Along Quickly

WOW!! It seems like school has just started and we are already seven weeks into the first quarter. Everything is in full swing and our students and staff have been very busy in the classroom and with activities. I have been extremely pleased with our students and how they have come into the year ready to learn and how responsible they have been when it comes to showing up to class prepared and getting work completed. Also, the respect they have shown towards fellow students, and staff members and the respect they have shown towards . . .

SDO Thunder Softball

The Southern Diller Odell Softball Team has had a successful season so far. The girls have been working hard and are 9-10 on the season. The Thunder were Champions of the Auburn Invite, placed 5th at the Falls City Invite, and won the Wilber Triangular. Keep up the great work, Thunder!  

Southern FFA

Southern FFA has been up to a lot this first quarter. We attended Husker Harvest Days, turned around, and competed at Range Judging in Belwood Nebraska the next day. We have land judging in October along with some community service activities. We stay busy learning and growing, enjoying every minute of it.    

Drug Abuse

The Freshmen Health Class had a guest speaker to discuss the dangers and trends of drug abuse in Gage County. SRO Mike Hager discussed many different topics that influence drug abuse. He also discussed the primary drugs of choice in our area, and why certain drug use is prevalent. He was able to answer questions the students had about drug laws and the use of synthetic "legal" drugs.  

FFA In Full Swing

FFA has had a busy last quarter of school. From competing and attending state FFA Convention to the FFA banquet. The students have been learning and gaining valuable skills that will help them in their future career goals.    

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