Daily Announcements
March 24, 2025
Monday's Lunch Menu: Sack Lunch - Turkey & Cheese on Croissant, Sun Chips, Carrots & Apples & Crackers. Edit
Tuesday's Lunch Menu: Grilled Chicken, Macaroni Salad & Muffin. Edit
Tuesday's Breakfast Menu: Sausage Gravy & Biscuits & Fruit. Edit
Early Dismissal- - All Jr./Sr. High School students will have an early out on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. because we are hosting a Junior High School Pioneer Quiz Bowl starting at 12:00 p.m. All students at the Jr./Sr. High School can still receive a sack lunch on March 24, 2025, and both the Little Raiders Preschool and the Elementary School will be in session the entire day. Edit
HS Track- Wednesday at Pioneer Conference Indoor at Doane University at 9:30am. Leave at 7:15am. Edit
JH Track practice will start Monday, March 24th. Edit
JH Pioneer Conference Quiz Bowl will be on Monday, March 24th. JH Quiz Bowl kids will be required to stay after dismissal to help set up for the event. If you are a HS student who is interested in helping out, please see Mrs. Clay. Good luck!!! Edit
June Jam for RAAD members- RAAD members if you would like to attend June Jam , June 8, 9, 10th please fill out an application and turn it into the office with your $20. We will stay in the dorms at SCC campus in Milford. The fee is $40 but you are only responsible for $20. If you need an application they are in the office. They are due April 3. Your parents must sign the form. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Bednar. Also if you are having trouble raising the $20 please let Mrs. Bednar know. Edit
FBLA-Reading & Recycling: Tuesday, March 25- For reading, students will be dismissed over the intercom at 9:15, load the bus and head to the elementary to read from 9:30-9:50, and will return to class at 10:00. For recycling, students will check into their IAP first, and then report to Mrs. Schluter's room to go around and grab all of the recycling. Edit
SENIORS-- Please make sure you get your media release sheet signed and returned to Mrs. Fralin by FRIDAY, MARCH 28. Edit
Nebraska Safety Council of Lincoln 2025 Summer Driver's Education Registration- Students in the the current 8,9,10 and 11 grades may stop by the office to get information if interested. Edit
Summer job? The Wymore Swimming Pool is hiring lifeguards for the summer. If you are interested, please pick up an application from the office. All applications are due back by March 25th. Edit
Juniors ACT - All Southern High Juniors will be taking the ACT Test Tuesday, March 25, on the stage in the auditorium. Testing will begin at 8:10 a.m. They will be dismissed for the day upon completion of the test. Computers (and chargers) need to stay at school Monday so that they are charged and ready to go Tuesday. Edit
Scheduling Forms are due back from the following students: Here is the current list of Scheduling Forms: 11th Graders – Jace Dorn, Josh Upton, Alizya Wollenburg. 10th Graders –Braedyn Brown, Wyatt Forney, Caleb Scott, Brody Ullman. 8th Graders –Jackson Heard, Levi Lundstedt, Gregory Moore. 7th Graders –Kashis Crome, Leighton Hickey, Easton Kostal, Madisin Miner, Kayden Moore. Edit
Scholarships - There are 11 scholarships with due dates of March 31 - April 4. Edit