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Class of 1972

Steve Aden
Dennis Andrews
Donald Baehr
Rodney Beekman
Laura Boettcher
Steve Brown
Tom Bryson
Diane Buss
David Carmichael
Pamela Chapman
Kelly Coffey
Kathy Cooper
June Cooper
Leslie Dell
Mike Doyle
Judene Dunn
Kyle Duntz
Bobbie Flansburgh
Leo Gieck
Barbara Hall
Sally Hardin
LeAnn Hatter
Deborah Hays
Jerry Henrichs
John Hill
Janice Hughes
Roger Humphreys
Cody Johnson
Kathy Keller
Patricia Klahn
Dean Kleeman
Dawayne Kramer
Cynthia Kropp
Harold Mack
Keith Maguire
Mike Maguire
Susan Mick
Tim Mick
Terry Milligan
Debbie Mulanax
Marvin Nelson
Connie Nickeson
Rebecca Niday
David Ottersburg
Royce Pence
Danny Phillippi
Sue Reedy
Greg Reimer
Randy Roberts
Sue Rouse
Cynthia Rutan
Regina Scheele
John Scheideler
Kevin Smith
Bill Swanson
Marilyn Swope
Debra Taylor
Mike Trump
Robert Trump
Tim Warren
Carolyn Wiegand
Sally Windle
Fracia Workman
Dale Zarybnicky

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