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Class of 1930

Roy Abner

Mimke Aden

Leora Allen

Marie Bebout

Velma Brewer

Ernest Bryson

Vern Chase

Paul Chase

Maldwyn Closs

Audrey Chapman Marshall

Francis Chamberlin

Corinne Clements

Robert Dill

Greta Daigh

Olive Danforth

Robert Dixon

Hope Earnhart

Jean Feese

Helen Fisher Ralston

Bruce Frederick

Bernice Goes Fischer

Ruth Haack Fauver

William Hague

Ray Hutson

Lester James

Charles King

Walter Keck

Claris Kinnison

Reid Lacy

Claire Lasher Lines

Mildred Lewis Gish

Edus Meyer

Zelda Mason

Thlema Miller

Naomi McAdams  Bundy

John Moran

William Nelson

Elvin Paisley

Martha Pisar

Joseph Polak

Lloyd Retchelss

Galen Thompson

Charles Tbbetts

Ruth Smith Scoggin

Iva Mae Smith Stewart

Helne Kanes

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