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Dee Bednar
Elementary School Counselor, RAAD Sponsor
Dee Bednar image

My name is Dee Bednar and I am the counselor at Southern Elementary.  I am also also the mental health counselor for the entire district.  I work with students individually, in groups and in the classrooms on a variety of issues including social skills, anger management, coping skills and organization. I can be contacted through my email  at dbednar@southernschools.org  or by calling the  elementary school at 402-645-3359.   I received my Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work from the University of NE-Lincoln.  In addition, I have a Masters in Counseling which I earned from Doane College.  Prior to coming to Southern I worked for Mosaic as a Unit Leader II, the Department of Health and Human Services as a Child Protective Service Worker and Adoption Worker, and for the Foster Care Review System as a Foster Care Reviewer.  My husband, Scott, our three sons and myself are all graduates of Southern High School.  I enjoy traveling, kayaking, repurposing furniture, reading and gardening.

Phone: 402-645-3359 Email: dbednar@southernschools.org Southern Elementary School

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