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Busy Spring

March 18, 2025

Just when you think things will start slowing down because the winter sports seasons are over, you look at the calendar and realize that slowing down is not an option. The months of February, March, and April are filled with many activities. Spring sports have started practicing with JH starting in the next couple of weeks. Both the junior high quiz bowl and high school quiz bowl teams have been meeting and preparing for competitions that are taking place and will continue over the next several weeks. Senior and Junior High vocal and instrumental groups will be having several performances coming up and our Juniors have been working hard preparing for Prom on April 5th. All of the above-mentioned activities along with the state testing make for a very busy spring. Please take some time to talk to your child about the great things that are going on at Southern and come and support our students in all the activities that they have worked so hard to be successful in. GO RAIDERS!



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